I keep a little book in my dash pocket so I can write things down on the fly. If someone on one of my podcasts says something I want to remember, I try to scribble it in there.
Eventually, I try to do something with this info. Way back somewhere in my LJ archive is a quote from Winston Churchill's butler that I thought fabulously summed up the thought process of the British.
So, here's the current crop of things people said while I was driving:
"Yeah, the beard is approaching 'electrical engineer' status." - Tom Merritt
"Obama fingers?"
"If you're in France, and you don't speak French? Get out of the France." - Sarah Lane
Dan Carlin, quoting Julius Caesar: "I could kill you faster than I could threaten to kill you."
(Watching the trailer for Captain America:)
Tommy Lee Jones: "Our goal... is to create... a new breed... of super-soldier."
Bob Odenkirk: "Did he just say 'our goal is to create Lou Reed'? Lou Reed super-soldiers?"
-ir out.
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