[no title]

Mar 13, 2008 16:48

As may have been obvious, not much posting today. The reason is: not much brain today. Last night there was a nap, no sleep, merely a nap. That's because nearly all of the index for The Presidential Book of Lists was created (with the able help of carrenstrock aka Mom, Dad, and Kit). Of course, that creating turned a full night's sleep into about two hours. Tonight, another two hours should suffice to turn that accumulation of data (in five computer files and two stacks of index cards) into a mono-file of index. And, when combined with the introduction which was completed earlier in the week, I'll have the final pieces of the revised manuscript ready to go to the editor, and will do so before seeking out that bed which is starting to think of me as less of a resident and more of a temporary visitor (foolish bed).

Then tomorrow, it's off to Lunacon for the weekend (see earlier post on schedule). If I'm lucky, I'll get a chance to swim in the pool. If I'm really lucky, I'll get a chance to catch up on the missed sleep (of course, it will be in an alien bed, and mine will probably consider subletting my usual sleeping space). If you're at Lunacon, seek me out and greet me (and give my addled brain a moment to recognize you, as I'm sure the nametag will once again suffer from can nametagitis, and have the name of the convention printed in letters visible from across the ballroom, while have the personal name nearly invisible in "how small can we make it" microtype).

conventions, books, randomness, presidential trivia

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