I-Con Schedule

Mar 12, 2007 11:03

Got my tentative schedule for I-Con (which will be 23-25 March at SUNY Stony Brook). No dealer table at this one, but, in addition to the Meet the Pros party Friday night, I'm scheduled for:

Friday 8:30-9:30PM: "New Waves: Where is genre fiction going?" in SAC 311
Saturday 2-3PM "Space Opera as Soap Opera: How Much Melodrama Is Too Much" in SAC 302
Saturday 2-3PM: "Mars or Bust" in SAC 303
Saturday 5-6PM: "Effects of Long Term Space Travel" in SAC 306
Sunday 10-11PM: "Great Fictional Scientists" in SAC 302
Sunday 1-2PM: "Is There A Space Race and are We Losing It?" in SAC 306

Which means I could spend the entire weekend in one building (but I won't), although that Saturday 2-3 slot will be a lot of jumping back and forth between two rooms (that should be modified before the con).

Also, Lunacon is still this coming weekend, in Westchester.


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