Philcon weekend

Nov 16, 2016 18:03

This weekend, I'll be in Cherry Hill, New Jersey, for the latest iteration of Philcon. As per usual, I'll be spending the daylight hours tethered to the Fantastic Books table in the dealers' room. But if you'll be there, you'll also be able to catch me on a few programming items: Friday at 11pm in Crystal Ballroom Two, it's "Eye of Argon Interactive" with Michael A Ventrella, Peter Prellwitz, Hildy Silverman, and Bethlynne Prellwitz. Saturday at noon in Plaza Two is the panel "What To Do When Real Science Outpaces Your Current SF Project" with John Skylar, Phil Giunta, Mike McPhail, Jane Fancher, and David Walton. Saturday at 11pm in Crystal Ballroom Two (again) will be "Whose Line Is It, Anyway?" with Peter Prellwitz, Hildy Silverman, Tee Morris, and Michael A. Ventrella. Hope to see some of you there!


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