Convention weekend

Nov 19, 2015 17:01

Oh, by the way, I'll be at Philcon this weekend, in Cherry Hill, New Jersey. (Yeah, I know, I should have posted earlier. Life, work, etc.)

As per usual, I'll be spending many hours in the dealers' room at the Fantastic Books table (come visit! look at the wonderful books! offer to stand there for an hour so I can do a panel!). I'm also on programming:

Friday at 8pm in Plaza IV: "Science Fiction in the Headlines" with Mary Spila, Darrell Schweitzer, David Walton, and Meredith Schwartz.

Saturday at 3pm in Plaza III: "The Value of Editors" with Sally Wiener Grotta, Jon McGoran, Neil Clarke, Brian Koscienski, and Peter Prellwitz.

Saturday at 6pm in Crystal Ballroom Two: "It's 2015, Where's My Flying Car?" with JJ Brannon, Peter Prellwitz, Rock Robertson, and Inge Heyer.

Sunday at 12n in Plaza III: "Remembering Tanith Lee" with Darrell Schweitzer, Keith R.A. DeCandido, and Diane Weinstein.

Hope to see some of you there!

conventions, appearances

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