BEA 2015

May 29, 2015 20:30

BEA (Book Expo America) seems to be shrinking year by year, as large publishers decide it's too expensive and not worth it, and those who do attend tend to scale down their booths. It also makes it easier to cover the whole show (at least, the pieces that interest me) in one day. However, I didn't do much socializing. Ran into Circlet Press's Cecilia Tan and Peter Halasz on the show floor, and reconnected with Rome Quezada (formerly of the Science Fiction Book Club, now with Sterling). Regardless of the show's size, it's always good to see the relative health of the publishing industry, and the eternal hope for the next bestseller. Also very much in evidence were some smaller publishers and start-ups, taking a risk on the big expense.

I'm headed back to Javits tomorrow for BookCon, which is an open-to-the-public version of BEA in its second year of existence. I haven't attended it before, so it'll be new to me, too. Maybe I'll see some of you there.

Below is a photo of the haul from this year's BEA. I'm getting more discriminating in what I want to carry home from the Javits Center, and the publishers, too, seem a little more selective in what they give out. But it looks like some good stuff.


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