WorldCon schedule

Aug 07, 2012 22:50

I've got my probable schedule for WorldCon (in Chicago, from 30 August to 3 September). I will NOT have a table in the dealers' room, so other than the few things I'm scheduled for, I don't really know what to do with myself. I'm sure I'll figure out something .

If you're looking for me, my panel schedule is:

Thursday 30 August, 1:30-3pm: "Why Editors Are Your Friends" in Crystal C, with Barbara Galler-Smith, Jim Frenkel, John Helfers, and Lynda Williams

Friday 31 August, 4:30-6pm: Kaffeeklatsch.

Saturday 1 September, 12-1:30pm: "Heinlein's Heroes" in San Francisco, with Bradford Lyau, Deb Houdek Rule, Jo Walton, and Toni Bogolub

Saturday 1 September, 7:30-9pm: "Do We Need Paper Books?" in Columbus CD, with Amanda Luedeke, John Teehan, Joy Crelin, and Steve Saffel.

I'm also planning to go to the opening night reception at the Adler Planetarium. And Sunday evening I'm booked: I get to be Daniel M. Kimmel's "plus one" for the Hugo Awards events and ceremony!

Hope to see some of you there.

conventions, fantastic books, appearances

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