Several things make a post

Jun 26, 2009 17:13

How does that go, several things make a post?

Anyway, here are several minor things:

Yesterday, I had a nice subway ride with my father… and then we did it again. We went to the Mets game at the new Shea Stadium (or City Field, for you pedants). Dad checked online, found many tickets available, and decided we'd just get them at the field. We arrived (35 stations-a long ride) to discover the only tickets available were $140 each. For a midweek afternoon game at the end of June?! Anyway, we turned right around, and got back on the subway for another hour-and-a-half ride home. Fun-ish.

I finished a story. Actual fiction (a quiet little horror piece; the first I've ever written). Haven't done that in a while (though I'm actually working on several). So I feel good about that.

Today I'm just wrapping up the day's work, without actually completing any of the projects on my plate, but calling it a day, because…

I've had this little song in my head all day, which I really wish I'd put off until the party tomorrow, but I've been singing it here, so I'll share it with you:

Happy birthday to me,
Happy birthday to me,
Happy birthday, dear Ian
Happy birthday to me.

And no, it's not as sad as it sounds: I've had several other people sing it to me.

Anyway, I'm off. Back with more important commentary next week (topics under consideration: does New York State really need a Senate?; if Rudy Giuliani gets his way with a state Constitutional convention, who would better represent those who aren't represented by the major political parties than me?; and more).

Oh, and check out the Graphicles on SFScope: they seem to be pretty popular, and I'm looking for more topics, or outright submissions.

Hope your weekend is as happy as mine!

politics, family, personal, business, government, sfscope

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