NIN is releasing another album two months after their last release titled "ghosts." I think it's really cool. I wish other artists would release more music. There is always a chance of spreading yourself too thin or upsetting some fans by experimenting in unfamiliar territory however this can also be a good thing. I mean seriously, Trent Reznor could belch into a microphone and then make it sound like sonic hot knifes slicing through your ear drums. The latest release, Ghosts1-4, at times reminded me of some local IDM music like peasants with feathers or otto's old stuff. I don't care to debate whom is inspiring whom but I like NIN's new approach to making and releasing music. Hopefully more artists, who can, will follow this trend. Unfortunately NIN won't be coming to Miami on their next tour (unless they add a date) so if anyone is interested in making the trip to Chicago we can go see NIN with Radiohead & Rage Against The Machine at this year's Lallapalooza.