Mar 12, 2010 06:26
Oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo. I'm getting wisdom teeth out today. Fun, fun, right? They've got me on antibiotics and this weird mouthwash stuff that tastes like licorice and rubber gloves, and yes, I DO know what rubber gloves taste like. In about two hours, I get to take something similar to Vicodin. Mmmmmm, sedative-licious. Apparently, I'm going to be completely out of it for a large portion of the day, like, to the point where I should have very little clear memory of this stuff. I'm actually looking forward to the drugging, I'm curious as to how it will feel. Oh, and I TOTALLY got to see LEAH and CIDRA and HALEY the other day. It was just the bitchinest thing ever. Ok, I'm gonna run, still working on money for that camera. :j Later.