Some stuff I had intended to post earlier

Jan 18, 2006 18:45

Written at the begening of this last break-

I find it incredibly ironic that as I stand here waiting at a gas station, in this cool morning air, for a bus to pick me up and take me to of all G-d forsaken places a city that has so much pollution it can be smelled miles away that I am able to commune with nature. To watch the sunrise and hear the soft sweet sound of birds and dream of my sweet Suzie.

Musings from the Bus-

A Greyhound bus ride is an interesting fixture in American society. No other plae wil you find such an accurate make up of the populous of American Society. you have one or two upper class people wh o do not like to fly a handful of middle class and a large amount of lower class and poor. This also says somthing about the bus system. The first thing it tells me is that almost anyone can afford to buy a ticket on Greyhound. The second thing it tells me is that Amercian Society truly has a chance of functioning as long as there is the fear of being kicked out. So what this means is that rather then jail time we should deport all those who cause violence (to the extent that cops need to be called). Now this may sound a bit radical right wing howevr it is almost guarnteed to work.
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