May 14, 2007 18:37
Utterly exhausted. I'm tired, from head to toe. I have been working myself very hard mentally over the past couple days, and not doing so well physically, either. Sinuses and allergies are starting to wear me down. I'm not sleeping too well, and I've started dreaming again. Bad things. Things like bones breaking...or the one particularly disturbing one, the one that shook me awake nearly in tears, where I was forced to shoot a close friend in the head, by courts. For crying out loud, I could feel blood and brains on my shoulder, as I held the corpse I knew. You're not supposed to feel that shit, damnit. You're not. Nobody should ever have to feel that.
Then there are my computer problems. Windows started to fuck up the other day, and decided it'd be turning my monitor off at the slightest notion of having to work. Needless to say, this made doing anything well-nigh impossible. The solution was eventually reached to install linux on the system instead; I chose Ubuntu 7.04 Fiesty Fawn. The disc took several tries to get to work, and several more just to get through the installer. Once it did, I thought my computer was working quite fine.
Until I noticed the fact that every sound my computer makes, whether it be an MP3 I try to play or the startup sound upon logging in, skips as if it was being played off of a twelve-year-old CD. Nothing suggested to me in IRC worked, and by the end of the night my computer had started to hang and reset at the slightest slowdown.
This morning, I woke up early, and after taking care of some training at work, have come home and still been unable to find solutions for my computer problems. It's not crashing nearly as much now, but still remains less than optimal, often very slow, and the audio is still hopelessly problematic. My fatigue isn't making it any easier; I've dozed off multiple times this afternoon already.
This just isn't going to stop, is it?