Angie... and the No Good, Very Bad Day!

Feb 22, 2010 14:40

I didn't think twice when my pretend "girlfriend" asked me to hang out with her last night. It's been like two weeks since we've been able to hang out. We both have a full load of classes, she works full time, and MYPAC has me occupied quite a bit. I was actually starting to miss T. Weird. Anyway it was last minute, but I was up for anything as long as I was doing it with T. We went to the movies (Dear John totally tested my badassness), roamed the mall for a while (I still don't see the point of going to the mall unless you are planning on buying something), and finally we ended up at Sidestreet bar. I love Sidestreet. Although there aren't many hotties coming through that place, I've met many of my close friends here.

Anyone who knows me knows that I am a super lightweight. Give me two jolly ranchers and I'm completely gone! So when T's friend decided he wanted to buy us all Obama shots, I began to worry. I know that T will get me home safely need be, only problem is we are on an official "No Sex" policy. Sex apparently was screwing up our friendship. I'm not a sex addict or anything, so when we say no sex, though it is really, really hard, I choose to oblige. That is when I'm not drunk! I knew that the Obama and 2 Read-headed Bitches were going to totally screw my night up, but I didn't want to not accept the drinks that were already paid for.

T is not nearly as lightheaded as I am... she's perfectly fine to drive. Since we were using my car, she thought it would be best to drive to her apartment, let me sleep it off, and I would drive myself home in the morning. I was to drunk to argue... or at least have an argument that made sense, so that's exactly what we did. Thank God I was too drunk to do anything more than completely pass out when we got to her place because if she would have made one sexual advance, I would have been all over her.

I wake up to the weather channel in the background and try my best to get over the very annoying throbbing in my head. I realize that T is already gone when I see a note on the mirror saying "Coffee and Motrin in the kitchen. Have a great day! xoxo -T." It was sweet, but T knows good and well that I gave up coffee a long time ago. It stained by teeth too much. However, the Motrin did come in handy! I swallow the pills, grab my keys and head out the door. It wasn't until I got into my car that I realized that my phone was dead. Figures. I drive 20 minutes and finally arrive home. Once my phone is plugged in the wall I eat breakfast and jump in the shower. I spent the entire shower time contemplating on how I would spend my day. I jump out of the shower go to my room and to my surprise 13 missed calls and 10 texts! Who the hell is calling and texting me so much? T obviously knows where I am, and I'm pretty sure she sent a text to my mom informing her I would be spending the night at her place. I scan my screen: Vanessa. Vanessa?!? Why the hell would she be calling me this much on a Sun.... oh crap! It's Monday! I have a meeting that started... an hour and a half ago with my PBL group. I knew drinking on a Sunday night was a bad, bad idea.

I call Vanessa and convince her to wait for. She informs me that the other two groups have already left. Just my luck. Now they will never want to work with me again. Then I realize that class will start in 20 minutes. I tell Vanessa I will make it up to her and she's satisfied. She's known me long enough to know that I am very much reliable. I throw on some clothing and head out the house. I'm one minute away from the school about to park when I hear the train coming. No! I cannot be late for class. They are evaluating our "professionalism" and my professor's major pet peeve is tardiness. I park in the first spot I see, grab my things, and make a dash towards the train tracks. It's getting closer, but I've out ran the train many times before and I can totally beat this one. I make it across the tracks, but my momentum keeps me moving and splat! It just had to fucking rain last night didn't it?!?

So now I'm sitting in mud with two guys running to my rescue. Southern guys can be so annoying sometimes. I thank them, say I'm fine and evaluate my clothing. There's no way I could possible look any less professional! I have mud everywhere! So now I have to wait for the stupid train to go pass so that I can go back to my car and retrieve the gym clothes I have in my trunk. Yeah, gym clothing isn't very professional either, but it trumps muddy clothing. By the time I make it to class I'm about 25 minutes late. I wanted to sneak in, but lo and behold, the freakin door is locked! I'm forced to knock on the door. The professor gives me an evil look before letting me in. I walk to the back of my classroom and sink into my chair. I can sense that this is going to be a no good, very bad day!

bad day, hangover, life, drunk

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