A little shout out for all Idols out there

May 01, 2019 11:23

I guess this post was triggered  after reading  a post from this http://jdramafreak01.livejournal.com/7291.html

I'm not 100% sure if this is all true but I somehow wanted to cheer up our idols in my own little way. So..

To all the members of Hey! Say! JUMP and all other idols out there,
You have been through a lot becoming what you are right now. Like us, fans, you have encountered struggles and hardships to get where you are at this moment. I sincerely applaud you and thank you for all your efforts and perseverance in making all of us, your fans, happy.
But, as a fan also, I hope you get to live the life you want too. I would love for you to be glad and happy and healthy as well. I hope you still get to do the things you wanted to do and accomplish the things you wanted to achieve. I know it's hard not to get discouraged by bad actions of extreme fans but I hope you focus more on the positive things and brighter side, focus more on people who respect you for who you are and for whatever you do.

A shout out to the other fans out there also: We became fans of these idols because we got to see some connections with them. They, somehow, touched our lives in one way or another. Isn't it? I hope you don't forget that they are human beings also. These idols are not some objects that we can do or say anything to them just because we spend money to buy their albums and merchandise and attend their concerts. Spending money on them doesn't give us the right to trash them whenever we want. I believe they are deserve to be happy and be true to their ownselves too. Please do not ruin their peace of mind and please respect them the way you want to be respected by others also.


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