May 14, 2011 22:39
Thank you, spring. Thank you, Kiki. Thank you, neighbors' kids. Actually, seriously, it was all worth it - these kids are the best Kiki's ever gotten to play with, and she loves them. I'll take a few days of sniffling and sore throats for that.
Spring is still a bitch, though. I never had problems with allergies until a few years ago. Now I'm all too aware of the tree orgies raging in my septum. I don't know if I'm getting old or if it's just a consequence of finally moving somewhere that boasts much in the way of wildflowers.
On the other hand, spring is a pretty bitch. The yellow-poplars are reminding everyone that, why yes, they are members of the magnolia family. The blossoms are gorgeous. And they don't even make me want to hack my lungs out. That's mostly the fault of the dandelions and whatever these purple flowers are that keep springing up out of every patch of grass. Kiki, at least, is thrilled by the profusion of colorful flora. She keeps picking wild violets and irises and bringing them home in handfuls. I've been throwing out wilted flowers for weeks. I've also taught her that clover blossoms are edible, though I don't think she'll be able to grasp the trick of honeysuckle just yet. In due time.
One of my cats needs to go on a diet. The other's so trim I'd swear she's doing jumping jacks on the roof when we're not looking. It would explain the noise that goes on after dark.
Speaking of mysterious animal noises, there was a very large opossum in our water-heater closet night before last. It says something about me that I find wildlife home invasions like this to be a charming aspect of life in the boonies, rather than a drawback. Still, the smell. The SMELL.
...Why does everyone on the planet play loud music after dark except me? I swear, no matter how many times we get new neighbors, it's the one inescapable constant. HAS NO ONE IN THIS PARK EVER HEARD OF HEADPHONES? Fuck it, I'm going to go put in my own.
nature slut,
talking to myself,
nobody cares