Nov 02, 2004 16:54
So I ended up voting for Nader. He was the only politician who actually moved me. I saw he speak on sunday and I was impressed with him. If I lived in Ohio or Florida I would have voted for Kerry, but since I don't live in a swing state, I've come to learn that my vote doesn't really matter. Well if it doesn't matter, I might as well use it to voice my opinion. If the Democrats want my vote next time, they're gonna have to grow some balls and actually take a stand on the issues. My voice is: anti-war, pro-choice, pro-marijuana legalization, pro-environment, anti-corporate media ownership, pro-gay marriage, anti-prayer in schools, pro-welfare, pro-affirmative action, anti-budget cuts in schools, anti-bloated military spending, anti-trickle down economy, anti-two party system and pro-free health care. Kerry really did not step up and represent my ideals in fact, he didn't really represent anything, so fuck it! (I still hope he wins though). This election reminded me of the Simpson's Halloween episode where Kang and Kodos are running for president. "Go ahead throw your vote away! Muah hahaha!"
On a lighter note I also went Trick or treating on Sunday with Captain Nintendo, Strawberry Shortcake and the jester. AKA Moshe, Renee and Chris. Only a few special people have the power to get me to walk from house to house and make a fool of myself. Every house made a comment on our age. The funny thing was that they were all senior citizens and they were telling us that we were getting old, I'm sure they enjoyed that. But we came away with a good haul of candy.