Ian's message to us is simple - Hold on to what you believe in, and don't ever give up your faith...Be strong, courageous and positive...though at times, we falter yet we get up again, and face our challenges stronger than before.
"Anything is possible. You can be told that you have a 90-percent chance or a 50-percent chance or a 1-percent chance, but you have to believe, and you have to fight.”
Lance Armstrong 21st century cyclist and 7 time Tour de France winner
Despite his own condition, Ian stood under the sun selflessly to canvas for donations during cancer awareness fund raising...Despite it, he went for a 5 km Terry Fox run even when the weather was horrid, even when friends and family as well as doctors were against it...He believe and he overcome...
Dear friends,
If you ever see the cancer society supporters canvassing for funds, do give them your support and some of them are cancer survivors and warriors like Ian... dun shut them out or turn away from them. Show your support with a token.... a little support or donation goes a long way... And do give your support to people you know who are fighting cancer, they need all the encouragement they can get, as well as your company.
As friends, let us continue to fight Ian's cause by simply being more aware about the ongoing battles fought by the fellow cancer warriors of Ian. Ian once shared with me how kids laughed at him when he wore a pink ribbon in support of breast cancer awareness. How he told the kid that he himself was a cancer patient and that he wanted the kid to realize that cancer in any form is no laughing matter. For that very reason, I had encouraged all Ian's friends and family to wear a pink ribbon at his memorial service to remember his great courage and big heart.
I am thankful for the times spent with Ian, going out with him to museums to watch special performances, movies and shopping frenzies....I am thankful for the time spent with my dear friend who I miss constantly achingly...but who I know is now happily showing off his own set of wings to fellow angels...
His friend,