Apr 10, 2009 11:07
Got back from Mexico last weekend, had a good time, hung out with Ceci's friends, hung out with Ceci's family, heard a LOT of Spanish, I think I got a little better at following the language and holding it in my head though. Got diarrhea and vomiting all night before the flight the next day but was stable for the flight.
We brought back two dogs. Her poor retired parents have a bit of a zoo left over after the kids left home, now they have two dogs less, leaving them with only one dog (16 years old, going blind, mostly deaf, arthritic, and most likely just got knocked up by a roving gang of neighborhood poodles) and three cats. The dogs we brought back have been largely ignored for the past 4 years, for one of them it is most of her life, and the younger of the two had never been on a leash before, so there is a lot of educating going on. Still, they are doing well all things considered and are friendly, happy dogs. This weekend I plan to do a little gardening and they are not good with boundaries, I wonder if we will be able to keep them out...
Work has been insane lately, I have been working on a HUGE project (one hardcopy will probably cost about $7,000 if anyone actually wants to own a copy) that will probably fill about 15 binders. On top of that we have to make it 508 compliant so it can be "read" be the blind, and the clients are like kids running around with jam on their hands, and all you can do is follow frantically with a rag wiping up and trying to get them to stop a moment so you can wipe their hands. All in all it is going ok though and I remain happy in my work (if slightly frazzled).
I am still commuting on my moped every day, 15 mines each way. I love it. I had a flat last night but I don't care, it is worth it for the ride. My commute is 45 minutes of calm along farm roads and green fields. I see greenery and ducks and rabbits, and smell celery and onions, and feel the sun, rain, and wind directly. (I have a suit for the rain) It is as close to flying as I am ever likely to get. You know the conversation we have all had, if you could have any superpower, what would it be? and we all agonize over choosing the socially responsible (superego) power, like healing others, or the selfish (ID) power like flying? I would always want flying. I might choose something else, but that's the one I want. I love the freedom.
I hope that someday looking back on my life, I see this as the beginning of a long stretch of time during which I was truly happy, and not just an isolated period.