Jun 05, 2014 16:21
Hello everyone, Ian here!
Proud to share my interest and spazz on our YongSeo since the day one they were together in WGM. I'm a fan of Girls' Generation since their debut, how luckily I am that managed to follow up with all their updates til today dates and also, I do have responsibilities to share all updated news to my fellow colleagues who have same interest with me. LOL!
Last but not least, I decided to create this LJ to show my appreciation and loyalty towards our Yongseo couple I will try to be active by posting stories soon about our Yongseo and of course, will start commenting for every stories that I read as I've been a silent reader and lurked through all these years.
To all Gogume fanfic writers, thank you for inspired and encouraged me to keep believing and sailing together in our Goguma land throughout these years. Keep writing and share wonderful stories of our YongSeo Couple. Fighting!