May 31, 2007 11:12
I was just an agency worker at my new job, but I had an interview and I have been offered a 1 year contract. I am so pleased as I left a full time job (but you know it is time to leave when you start crying at work because you hate it so much) to do agency work, which was only contracted for 2 months, so I was getting a wee bit worried about needing to find another job, but now I am on better money and doing something that I love.
Lynn and Simon have the first part of their visa for Oz, so they should be gone about end July :( I am going to miss them so much.
We have started to take the ferrets out for walks on leads. We gets some very strange looks, with 4 cats and a ferret out walking with us. But we don't care, it is really good to get them out to stretch their legs and wear down their claws a bit (especially when they are not getting out for hunting).
Dash's feet are great and have totally recovered from bumblefoot. Skye and Dash are both molting, and their feathers are looking good. Ian is going to release 50 partridge this year for Skye, and is really excited by this, he has great hopes for Skye this year as he has had such bad luck other years. But I am a bit more skeptical and will wait to see if he learns to wait on before I get excited about flying him and not just stressed out watching him get smaller and smaller then disappear out of sight!
Dancing is coming along really well, enjoying it much more as it has turned into a social event with lots of wine :)I am not too bad and can easily go upside down and let go with my hands!