So I found tickets on for $229 roundtrip to Vegas!! I plan on going July 14th - 19th. I don't know if that's too long. The famfam is advising me against going for too long because I'll get tired of it...but I don't know. I mean, I'll have Lauren there and we haven't seen each other since New Year...2007. I just got really sad as I typed that. It's been a YEAR and three months now since I've seen my best friend D: Terrible.
I'm kind of worried about spending a lot when I'm there. I mean, I'll be 21 and all...but that costs money. Of course, if I sit at the slot machines long enough, the cocktail waitresses will bring me free drinks :D But that's boring. Sure, I'll gamble a bit, just to say that I have, but I doubt it'll be such a lure for me. I mean, I lived there for six years (five? idk anymore), it's not anything new for me. The only difference is that I'll actually be able to experience it.
Public inebriation will probably happen, though. that a "most definitely" <.<
I need to get a tan too. Swimming every day will have to happen too.
Of course, this whole "Vegas-in-July" plan hinges on if STA Travel gets back to me. I'm kind of telling myself that they aren't going to get back to me. I mean, my video was really wonky and I don't know if I had enough pizazz or chutzpah. Of course, I was I think that contributed. Whatever, though, we'll just see what happens :)