Politics Of Revolution Now

Oct 10, 2006 11:53

Remind me to use my journal more. I'm making art more. Which I guess would be expressed in the verb form "arting" if I was a trendy little internet hipster fuck. But I'm not. I promise. If I can get my lazy ass in gear I'll actually start taking pictures of street art work and otherwise from now on.

Speaking of which, I need to buy acetate. I had been buying .005 grade 20"x25" sheets, but they're impractical now on my budget, because they cost $2 a pop. If anyone knows of a place where I can buy not-shitty acetate rolls of .004-.006 grade acetate for the defacement of public space, please let me know. I'd prefer to buy them in bulk, I know film for screen printing comes in rolls you buy two at a time.

Dan, ikilleverything, who I apparently live with now, has me working on a rhythmic noise project with his gear. I'm trying to make some kind of analogue based, minimal, but hard and distorted drum work that I can play live percussion over. And when I say percussion, I mean things I've found/stolen made of metal. I guess you could say it'd be something like older Hypnoskull meets Babyland or Test Dept., except I'm not allowed to know anything about industrial music made before I was born, so maybe we should leave Babyland and Test Dept. out of this.
So, Hypnoskull meets guy-smashing-oil-drums.
Dan seems to be real gung-ho about it, too. So, I think this is a ploy to get his act to Maschinenfest without actually doing anything. Because we all know how lazy Dan is. Am I right?

We're going to need a name at some point, too. I'm thinking I want to create an organization name, which can be referred to in an acronym that's already being used by someone else. Like....
Federation of Electronic Music Assembly
Industrial Association of Electronic Aggression
Politics Of Revolution Now
But nothing is "it" yet. I really want something that represents the synergy between man, machine and a pile of rusty scrap metal. And will get Dan to Maschinenfest.
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