Title: Reflection
Author: [info]iamz
Rating: G
Characters/Pairings: Sookie
Warnings: None
Spoilers: Book 3...kinda.
True Blood 100: Challenge #8: Because
Summary: A little reflection
She stands in front of a mirror and takes a deep breath. She's naked, no adornments, nothing. Just her long blonde hair, and her skin, slightly raised from the coldness of the room.
There are scars on her body. Once, she knew every single one, but not anymore. Turning to the side, she traces a finger, stopping over the light scar from the stake. Twisting a bit more to see the scars from the Maenad. And then there's the scars on her heart.
Why does she keep doing this? Because she has to. Because she's the only one that can.