James Kyson Lee (Ando on NBC's Heroes) has new movie...

Mar 07, 2007 10:13

An upcoming movie "Akira's Hip Hop Shop" with James Kyson Lee exploring issues of race and love between a Japanese man and an African-American women. James Kyson Lee (”Ando” from Heroes) plays the Japanese proprietor of a hip-hop store in the US who falls in love with his black female employee. (hmmm, isnt he a KOREAN ? LOL)

With more prominent and well-drawn Asian characters than ever appearing on US television, James seems busy with quite a number of projects. In addition to "Heroes," James will be starring in four feature films in 2007 & 2008, including "Big Deal" with Treat Williams, Daniel Baldwin, & Charlotte Ross, "Asian Stories: Book 3" opposite Kathy Uyen, "Big Dreams, Little Tokyo" starring opposite David Boyle, and "Point of Contact" with Buddy Dolan. He will also be starring in the upcoming action-thriller video game: The Darkness, for Playstation & Xbox.

HEROES actor James Kyson Lee in new film

Since February 4, 2006

heroes, movie

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