(no subject)

Jan 22, 2003 19:51

1) What is your first and middle name?
Kat Lynette
2) If you were going to change your name, what would you make it?

3) How old were you when you got your first computer?
ummmmmm pshhhhh

4) How long have you been on the Internet?
see above

5) What are your top three favorite foods?
1)ramen noodles
2)chicken quesidellas
3)meatball sub

6) What are your three favorite songs?
a. I can't choose just three so I'll give three good ones....
Work it - Missy Eliott
b. Anything by Weezer
c. Hurt- NIN

7) What kind of car do you drive? SHUT UP

8) If electric cars were available in your area, would you buy one?
if I was rich enough

9) What one thing would you change about the way you look?
the ONE thing would be EVERYTHING

10) If you could have any three wishes in the world, what would they be?
a. Have a good body
b. Be a better musician
c. have a rocord contract

11) What was the title of last book you read?
ummm Murder in the Cahtedral

12) Have you ever cheated in a relationship?
ummm well sort of

13) Have you ever lied to someone just to spare their feelings?

14) What is the most exotic food you've ever tasted?
ummm Octupus

15) How many countries have you visited?
I have been to 8 countries Johnny

16) How many of the 50US states have you visited?
wooo let me think..... I think 8 as well MAC

17) How many men/women have you slept with?
I've slept with enough men to have experience and not so many that I'm a whore

18) Have you ever had a same sex partner? If not, have you ever wanted to?
I just want to say I've never met or talked to God, so I can't say How God feels about homesexuallity. I can however say that if you follow the bible and read and belive it is wrong. It is also just as wrong to have sex before you are married!!!

19) What is your favorite beer?
I like Bud Light

20) Do you like to go camping? Canoeing? Fishing?
I'm terrifyed of the woods

21) How many televisions do you own?

22) Do you prefer warm weather or cold weather?

23) If you could commit a crime without ever being caught, would you do it?
do it all the time

24) How many licks does it take to get to the center of a tootsie pop?
not as many as it takes to get me off

25) Why do you write in your online journal?
I get bored
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