Sep 05, 2006 00:23
Well, the child has now decamped to the paedo-friendly MySpace so I guess I can start blogging properly, say rude words & the such. Blog. Bloooooog. Blog blog. Gawd I hate that word, it's kinda like the sound husbandman makes when he's gotten into a bad batch of red wine. Blog. Ick.
Hello, my name is Sarah and I'm a reformed blogaholic. I blogged here & there for a while, then realised I was being a slut with my blogging & decided to deblog for a while. Life got in the way somewhat, & I'm now ready for some blog therapy. Mmmm blog therapy. My first goal is to include the word (and any variation thereof) "blog" as many times in my blog as blogissble. Blog. Righto, that's enough, I'm pissing even myself off.
Anyhoo, life, yes, did get in the way of any decent writings, although the last 10 months would have made good scribble fodder: packed in my lucrative job, got married, moved interstate to glorious Melbourne, braved chilly weather which threatened to freeze my poor nippies off. The most significant thing of late has been Saccy. I found out I was pregnant on the 4th July, by the 30th of August, just 1 week shy of the end of my first trimester, we found out that Saccy had given up the ghost at around 8 weeks. That, I have to say, sucked. A lot. No beds were available for a D&C, so was sent on my merry way for 2 days until they could *fit me in*. I'll counter anyone who reckons they had last week being their week from hell, you think you had a bad week? Miscarriage: all over my bathroom floor. I win.
We're trying to remain upbeat about it & see the positive side etc etc, we'll try again soon seeing as we now know for sure that we're fertile & hopefully I'll be sprogged up before too long.
That hasn't stopped the theories and reasons why I miscarried: The child thinks Saccy was lonely & will be back soon with a twin to keep him company in utero; husbandman reckons it was the Philip gene (Philip being the ADD overachieving brother-out-law, screaming queen who likes to fondle women's breasts when pissed). As for myself, I think Saccy thought he was too sexy for my uterus which, as I have been reliably informed by the ultrasound chica post bathroom incident, is very handsome. My ovaries are quite pretty too, I was quite excited about seeing them onscreen until I was informed that I was actually seeing part of my bowel. Hrmph. Those bloody things look like Rorschach tests anyway.