May 17, 2005 17:11
It's been a very long time since I've updated. Umm... I actually for once don't have that much to say.
1)School is stressing me out with these finals. Thank goodness there's only 4 days left!!!!!
2)Some of my friends are getting on my last nerve. It's hard to explain but sometimes I just want to be left alone, or maybe I don't feel like telling you how I'm doing today b/c if I actually told you what was going on you would think I was some kind of wierdo.
3)No one is involved in my love life right now...well unless you count my tv remote because we have been bonding very well
4)I think I might have allergies, and that would really suck.
5)My family pretty much sucks right now. My mom thinks she knows everything, but newsflash she doesn't, my brother is at a "home" in Somerset until September, my dad's just kinda wierd.
6)I have to get a job. Nobody's hiring where I want to work.
8)I just got done using the restroom before I wrote this. It felt GREAT!
Well I actually had more to talk about than I thought.