America The Broken

Jan 31, 2011 18:28

 I wish I could possibly understand the politics of this country. More accurately, I wish I could understand people who vote for people who do absolutely nothing but keep them downtrodden. I wish I could understand why the people who run this country spend all their time fighting with one another rather than trying to find a way to make things better. I wish I could get behind this cause, or that cause, or ANY cause from a politician, but I just can't. I'm jaded. I've just been lied to too many time by too many of the bastards to really believe a fucking word that comes from any of their mouths.

I spent my whole god damn life waiting for the guy who was going to change American politics, who was going to end the bickering and actually make the government stand for something. Instead, every year that passes by the government looks more and more like a corporation. SOMETHING IS WRONG WITH THIS, PEOPLE! We spend THOUSANDS, literally THOUSANDS of HOURS of our lives working so we can pay these bastards taxes, and they do what for us, exactly? Other than spend our money in ways the We The People vehemently protest, I can't think of a good answer to that question.

They bring us to war. They make us fight. We DIE in their defense in a war we DIDN'T EVEN WANT TO BE IN, our President sashays all around the country apologizing to the world for our culture, APOLOGIZING for us BEING FUCKING AMERICAN, and WHAT have they fucking done for me? For you? For our kids?

The past decade of politics has been a complete joke, from both sides of the table. We went from a President who did whatever the fuck he wanted no matter our protests to a President who won't do anything no matter how much we ask him to. The differences in Senate have actually made physical violence in between red-blooded Americans. These god damn people can't even decide whether or not they're gay and we put them in office and ask them to lead. Are you FUCKING kidding me?

This is why I'm an anarchist. Because in a world where the system has failed, in a world where the corrupt lead everything and you can by your way into office, where things don't change from President to President because the system in and of itself has become the dictator, it's the only thing one can do to continue to feel and think freely.

I refuse to bow to any person who holds getting in to office and playing nice with the madman next door in higher esteem then the starving children in our own country. Bottom fucking line.

I think it's time we reminded the government THEY work for US. I think this government needs to remember to be afraid of it's people.
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