Jan 17, 2006 14:51
so there is this girl, who i like, who is super awesome and cute and we watch lots of movies and cuddle lots and lots and lots and lots, but we will never be more. it makes you think that maybe everyone is made for someone and once they have found that someone they can't move on, well not properly. i still haven't moved on properly, i am constantly thinking about a certain someone, i know i shouldn't but i am. with this girl it's strange, i know that ia m only her shoulder to cry on by the way she held me last night, i could tell it's the first time she has felt safe in a long time, it was the tightest cuddle ever, she didn't want anything more and to be honest i don't know if i do. i think i still want what i had, i know i can still have it, more importantly i need to learn to drive, then i can go and see all my little boys and girls in cambridge all the time.