for diefirst

Aug 08, 2010 15:41

[After this]

It's not that he was expecting Cas to screw up, he just doesn't know of any other time he's been quite as lucky as he has been. Somehow, everything has gone according to plan, and he even has all of the money he won from the bar the night before.

It's the main reason he's now sat back in his car, having been sprung from the county jail, looking dazed. It might also have something to do with the cut on the back of his head. The blood is matted into his hair, and it isn't until he shakes some glass out of the collar of his shirt he realizes he was hit over the head with a bottle. It helps explain the dull ache and sharp pain he can feel all at once.

When he glances over at Cas, eyes tired from the night before having had no sleep, he can't help but look fiercely proud despite the pain and the exhaustion.

"We should skip town." It involves driving which he's not entirely sure is a good idea, but once again he's left without a choice. They can't be seen in St. Louis now. And he is going to thank Cas properly. Just... when he doesn't ache like a bitch.

ooc: Here. Have a format change too. :D

verse: twitterverse/crack, who: diefirst

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