Bad horse, bad horse, bad horse, he's bad!

May 04, 2009 19:43

I hate calls from telemarketers. Sometimes I even feel bad for hanging up on them xD

I'm pretty much obsessed with The Big Bang Theory at the moment. I only have 9 eps to catch up now xD And I suck because I only discovered today (while I was sunbathing and listening to Doctor Horrible and, aptly, singing along) that Wolowitz played Moist!

I didn't post this weekend because my mind is stupid and I think "well, I haven't posted these last few days, so it doesn't matter if I skip a day". And I know it's no big deal but I wanted to have the calendar in my LJ archives with entries on every day haha

On Saturday I deleted a bunch of icons (the ones I didn't use or mostly never used) and uploaded some stock/photography ones.

big bang theory, dr horrible

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