We got in the stadium about 8pm, one hour before it started, and there wasn't many people, we were right in the middle of that area (we were not seating), which was closer than last time, so yay! Of course, during the first half of the concert I had Really Tall Guy Who Is Taking Pics All The Fucking Time (I swear, there's one in every concert!) just in front of me, but then he shifted a bit to the right so I had a perfect view of Alicia :D
Most of them were very blurry, but I took some that were somewhat decent given the distance.
She was singing "No One" during this one and everybody was singing. I got chills.
The stage set was amazing.
This is just to show how "far" behind we were. Really Tall Guy is the one in grey.
The lights in this <3
My best pic and she looks super-concetrated :(
I bought an official t-shirt too, but her store is down now and I can't find any pics of it. I'll post a pic soon :)