May 14, 2010 10:20
Now the Congressional Budget office is saying that the accounting measures taken for the so-called "savings" of the Health Care bill were faulty at beat. Seems that the Dems didnt disclose some of the cost overuns that have to do with actually setting up the agencies that will administer the system. Well well, gee thats a shock. If the people of this country do not send the assholes from the House and Senate home come November, and if OBAMA wins a 2nd term, by 2016 you will not recognize this country. THE SINGLE BIGGEST ENEMY AND THE MOST DANGEROUS THREAT TO THE AMERICAN WAY OF LIFE IS BARACK HUSSIEN OBAMA. How does that kool aid taste now? Now we have Cap and Trade top look forward to. I cant fuckin wait. I'm already going to pay for others health care, hell I might as well put gas in the car for them too at about 6-7 bucks a gallon. THANKS FOR THE HOPE AND CHANGE YOU DOUCHE.