I am hoping that it is not too atrocious a sacrilege that during "Angels We Have Heard on High" at Mass last night I couldn’t get “Ganja” out of my head. Thanks a lot, Bitch and Animal.
The priest had scary eyes. I don’t know how to describe them better than as damning eyes. He looked as though he belonged in a pulpit in a French church preaching damnation to all who didn’t believe and some who did. It was so frightening that I was tempted to refuse communion and return to my seat with a whispered apology for polluting his church, though I will give him a couple points for using the term “harbingers of peace” in a prayer. It made me giggle.
(It has been the weekend for adults being irresponsible when it comes to getting me information. [Yes, Professor Socher, I’m looking at you, with sideways glances to my RDs.] It is not too difficult to send an email, particularly one you said would be sent Friday. It wouldn’t even hurt to respond to my queries as to whether you received my initial email.)