I've decided that I'm gonna have a photo shoot on:October 8th(thats a sunday)
The next day is Columbus Day, and we have off.
Here's all the info that your gonna need:
we're gonna meet at my house at 12, and then we're gonna convoy over to wherever i've decided to do it, although I think we are probably going to have it at Marion Street School.
if you need directions, or have any other questions, email me at
maggiemaemary@gmail.com and besure to put "modeling question" in the subject so I don't accidentally delete it.
So, i'm super excited, and I can't wait to see you all there!
oh, and for your information, i've decided to call my line/company/business:
Love, Maggiemaemary
also, if you've got a question, you could always send me a message/comment