Melon is LOVE!

Mar 03, 2007 12:07

Have not laugh so much for a long time!!!!~~~ Thanks melon~~~

Met up with Melon after work yesterday. First destination-> Kino... browse some magazines and stuffz. We walked on to find a place for dinner, and unknowingly, we walked to Cine and saw some Luci fans.

We had dinner at Village. Melon had Pork Chop and Ham & Cheese Crepe; I had Rosti with Sauage n Egg and Mushroom & Cheese Crepe. Yup... we ate alot. Oops! We headed back to Cine for a walk to help in digestion. Walked around... and yeah... laughed hard on any small tiny funny thing. Like a red tappered. Went to Mise for fangirling activities and went down to get ice-cream.

Guess who we saw!!! We saw a Lee Jun Ki look-alike!~ wooo~~~~

Anyway, saw Jere, Locke, Nafi (dunoe how to spell), King of PSP, King of Tappered and King of unknown with their female partners.

We kept walking up and down cine.. and suddenly... this person just shocked both me and melon... he looks sooooooo soooooo sooooo much like Kelvin! OMG! Hair, features, Eyeliners, Piercing... Height (?).. hmm.. scary! *Shiver*

Last but not least, we kept seeing Jacky. faint

Cine is a place where you can meet hell lotta ppl u know. ohh... not to forget... the bunch of fans (who went ga-ga over Luci and some other Superband peepz)

I feel like having a double life.

Weekdays would be a normal working adult who just read newspaper, finance magazines, watch CNBC, BBC... etc Always thinking of what course to enrol and stuffz relating to one's intellect. Or... our topics would be going round and round about getting which model of bags from whichever brands; dining places...etc. Or some even takling about going to Dragonfly (O.0)... Cine is definitely a no-no place as that's for kids. Anyone below 21 is young. Recently, one of my colleagues was telling me how foolish it is for her friend (late 20s) to queue hours and hours for Show's autograph.

Afterwork/ weekends life would be like what labeled a kids from the above life. Jamming with my band; fangirl-ing over JE, Jrock, or simply any adorable stuffz. Hanging out at cine. Talking about nonsense stuffz. blah blah blah...

I tried to wear casual (but decent enough for work) during days whereby I gotta meet my band/ jamming on weekdays.

It's like... having a mid 20s life and teenager's life. How contradicting. But to hell, I cant be bothered since I am having the best from both world.
Gotta know where how his new gf is related to fans concludes that what everyone around thought is right. Fans... Haha... Well... ganbatte ne~ Thanks for breaking up with me. I am able to focus on my career and truely live up to what I should be. I have a future. A bright future.

Guys... they are seriously burden in my past yearsssss of life. Waste of my time and money. What women should treasure most is Time and Money. And these guys just wasted mine like nobody business and not guilty over it at all. What a shame. But well... Thanks to the two girls who snatched away  took over my previous 2 boyfriends. They are nice guys. But see if your tolerence level can be higher than me. I can tolerate the worst things that can ever happened in a relationships. Ganbatte ne~

Like what Suppli mentioned, guys are like supplements in a women's life who have a career and money.

But no matter what, I do truely love my ex-boyrfriends. If not, how I would be able to spend years with them. And till now, I still support them in whatever they do. I still like Jason's design style. I like Zhiwei's voice.

What is most important to me now is.... career, education, money. I need a more compatible guy.
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