ironing out a hot problem

Mar 07, 2006 15:01

Ya know, believe it or not- some times even I find myself amusing. that's is NOT withstanding the fact whereby i am easily amused.

i think god was kinda playing a joke on the rest of mankind for putting me on earth. especially with this weird, warped, quirky, kooky mind of mind. and yes I can actually see all you guys are nodding in agreement out there.


anyway i digressed. reason why i said that was because of my latest choice of pressie; my farewell gift from my colleagues. YOU WILL NEVER GUESS WHAT I CHOSE, I SWEAR!

It's sooOo funny when I think about it. it's freakin practical. it's an electric appliance! so bloody not me.

it's a garment steamer!!

*AHAHAHA dies laughing*

wah laooooooo who chooses a garment steamer for a farewell pressie from colleagues? ME!!!

why!? you ask? because- I HATEEEEEEEEEEEE ironing clothes to the core. that is my most detested household chore. i completely understand why god made man without clothes- there MUST be good reason- you go think about that one!

how much do I hate ironing? imagine this whole mountain of clothes that takes up about the size of my bed that is un-ironed (i would have like 4 closets full of clothes if i actually had every piece ironed- think abt the amt of shopping money saved!!!). imagine i take 1 whole hour to get a freakin pair of pants irnoned because i can never iron them properly (i'd have a million lines running down the pant leg). think about my idiosyncrasy whereby every article of clothing has to be ironed before stepping out of the house- AND YET the fact whereby i hate ironing (oh the sweet IRONY!!). imagine my ALWAYS having to put off ironing to the last minute- which is the time i wake up to go to work and my ridiculously long time spent on ironing makes me late for work every.single.time.

you think i'm shittin you about how badly i iron and how much i hate the chore?

let me recount this particularly unforgettable conversation i had with my favourite dad when i was mere 16, after we sent out last helper back to Philippines and I had to take over the ironing for the family:
Dad: "C- you don't iron my pants anymore arh."
Me *OMG GLEE* but..: "Why???"
Dad: ".. Aiyoh your ironing.. eh just get your mother to iron la."
Me *half puzzled and half affronted*: "Hur why la??"
Dad: "You iron my pants ar- NO LINE! Everyday I feel like i am wearing pajamas to work!!! I manager- how to wear pants lydat?!?"
Me *goes into uproarious laughter* but at the same time i'm bloody offended and insulted.
eh! i never iron the stupid line because else he'll get 20 other lines running down his pants what- do better none than 20 right?! but daddy say he wearing pyjamas to work. ;( that my friend- is not hot air. hurt my feelings deeply yo- so much so that i remember 9 years down the road.

so. what does smart tracy think of for a farewell gift from one company to use for the other- and never be late for work? A GARMENT STEAMER. makes me think i'm in a boutique, irons speedily and no unglam cussin and perspiring involved! and i get it for free!!! *BWAHAHAHAH* Pure genius I say.

can you feel my joy oozing out of my every pore?

*steam aaaah*

pressies, anecdotes, joy, work

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