There are a lot of political events coming up so I though I'd update you guys...
April 29th
6 pm (I think) It is the Global Night March to bring awareness to the thousands of children being abducted into the LRA (Lord's Resistance Army) in Uganda. These children get stolen from their villages in the night and are forced to kill be slaves and are often raped. Hundereds of children walk 5 miles a night to sleep in a safe area so they will not get abducted. This event is going on all over the country. It will involve walking to chrissy field sleeping there and making letters to send to bush and political art. This event is trying to bring awareness to the horrible things happening to children in Uganda. For more information go to: More information about the LRA and crisis in Uganda: April 30
Save Darfur Rally, Rallies are occuring all over the country including NYC and Washington DC and SF( woohoo). The rally begins with a moment of silence for all the families killed and displaced from the fighting going on in Darfur. The rally its self is at 1:30 at chrissy frield. For more info on all the events in SF go here: more info on Darfur: May 1
International workers day and National Boycott Day. DO NOT BUY ANYTHING, DO NOT GO TO WORK, DO NOT GO TO SCHOOL, DO ATTEND THE RALLY. This day is super super important. Many bussiness have already decided they will not be open on this day in respect to their workers. This day is also being called day without an immigrant day becasue the rallies are in support of immigrants and immigrant rights. Hopefully it truly will be a day without an immigrant and world wide the impact will be felt. Other countries have pledged not to buy or do any business with any american business in solidarity with immigrants in america. There will be HUGE protests all over the country on this day
in SF:
1:30 meet at justin herman plaza with a march to civic center
5:00 Rally at the federal building
More info: If any of these causes interest or outrage you I encourage you to participate in one or all of these events. You may not think your vioce is being heard but by taking part in a bigger action it will be heard.
Got any questions comment or call me!