Nov 08, 2005 14:42
here I am again, not working.
I was going to work. In fact, I was going to get a lot done today. I'd finally get 2 hours of e-mail reading done, which would get pretty far into my 300 e-mails that I've been avoiding. But instead, I got to talk to Matt for 45 minutes about how horrible WAG is. And how we hate men. And how we think we can speak for the whole campus regarding the issue of men marching in the Take Back the Night march. I thought we had a really great compromise: women by themselves for a bit, and then halfway, meet up with guys and we all march together. But apparently thats not enough and that is SO second wave of us. And how dare we plan for something without consolting the entire campus. I mean, its not enough to advertise that we are having palnning meetings, and that PLEASE men, come too! We want your input. We have to poll the whole school. Why not take that a little further and just walk around door to door, attempting to build a concensus? Would that be less arrogant of us?
Oh! And how about HArlan house? We're so secluded and far away from campus. Everyone thinks that we're snobby. Even though we practically beg people to come over to the house 3-4 times every month. Please, oh God, PLEASE come to our all-campus social. We really really want you to eat some pie! I guess we should just start delivering it to people. Courtesy of Harlan House. Don't come to us, we'll come to you.
fuck you.
I'm going to be late for another goddam meeting. I just want to stop for five FUCKING SECONDS
at least triangle man looks funny when hes pissed.