Jul 22, 2004 15:17
this all started with the car breaking down.... then the bank taking my check debit card.... so I can only get money by going to the bank until the new card comes. BUt to get to the bank you need a car. To get the car fixed you need money and blah blah blah... you see the pattern. Well my cell phone is done for a lttle while... lol I guess when I got it I got on this automatic bill pay plan where it automatically takes it out of my checking account... that hasn't happened once. My phone just gets shut off and thats how I know when to pay. I never receive a bill in the mail... so I usually just pay my bill over the phone by visa check card.... hmm without that I cannot pay my bill. The only way to do that is to go to the mall, pay by check... getting to the mall involves the car... and, well, I think you're catching on now....
When it rains it pours.
Kristen and Aaron, I am really not a shitty person. Bad things just always happen to me. I am sorry I missed the birthday bash and I am sorry I couldn't call to tell you what was going on...
Oh the life..
I miss you guys, when I get my car back we're partyin like rock stars... :)
85 days til basic!