Dec 10, 2006 12:29
So Friday I spent 3 hours after school with Laura and Novein painting my sculpture.
I mixed all these paints together that you aren't suppose to because of the chemicals and it's either going to
a) look awesome
b) look god awful
c) turn out all black or an ugly brown or...
d) blow up when I fire it.
I guess we'll see....
I went to watch eric play basketball yesterday with courtney and weasel.
It was pretty amusing, we cheered for eric and he didn't want to acknowledge us haha.
Then courtney, weasel and I sat in my car for 40 minutes trying to figure out what to do. It's not good having 3 indecisive people trying to figure something out all by themselves. But eventually we decided to go to weasels. We watched like a whole season of Arrested Development. That show is pretty much amazing. We were on the phone with Laura telling her to come over and she hung up on Eric causing him to chuck my phone at my finger and sit on courtney's hand. Good job Laura. She came over too.
Good times.
and weasel has a ferret. (that sounds weird to say)
I need to get crackin' on my junior research paper.
and I've slept in till about 1 everyday this weekend. I don't know if I'm wasting the day or just cetching up on sleep. but I don't feel all that refreshed.