Jul 11, 2005 23:44
Do you know the muffin man? A question overlooked but most of todays scholars. On the surface, the muffin man may appear to be just another personified baked good. But if we take a deep look into the life of Mr. Muffin, we find that his life is shrouded with set backs, short cummings, and betrayal. So many people claim to "know" the muffin man, but not know anything about him. Some even claim to live on his street. Here laid before you, is the public opinion on the muffin man.
msg555: do you know
msg555: the muffin man?
PhinalHour: no i don't
msg555: he lives on drury lane
msg555: ya know...
msg555: the guy who's shaped like a muffin
PhinalHour: oh him
PhinalHour: i know him
msg555: how can you miss him
PhinalHour: idk
msg555 (12:34:04 AM): random poll
v4shadow237 (12:34:07 AM): no
msg555 (12:34:07 AM): do you know
v4shadow237 (12:34:09 AM): yes
msg555 (12:34:11 AM): the muffin man?
v4shadow237 (12:34:16 AM): the muffin man?
msg555 (12:34:26 AM): yes, the muffin man
v4shadow237 (12:34:35 AM): the muffin man?
msg555 (12:34:46 AM): THE MUFFIN MAN!!
msg555 (12:36:22 AM): he lives on drury lane...
v4shadow237 (12:36:49 AM): damn, i was going to say that but i was typing something
msg555 (12:37:13 AM): serves you right for talking to other people
v4shadow237 (12:37:37 AM): say something within 5 seconds or you're gay
v4shadow237 (12:37:37 AM): 4
v4shadow237 (12:37:37 AM): 3
v4shadow237 (12:37:38 AM): 2
v4shadow237 (12:37:38 AM): 1
v4shadow237 (12:37:39 AM): 0
msg555 (12:37:40 AM): fds
v4shadow237 (12:37:49 AM): serves you right for being busy
msg555 (12:37:50 AM): that wasn't five seconds
v4shadow237 (12:37:53 AM): oh
v4shadow237 (12:37:54 AM): .... (I think the time stamps speech for themselves)
andrea 9023: i don't know the muffin man :-(
Auto response from msg555: Poll: Do you know the muffin man?
andrea 9023: but i'm very interested in meeting him XD
msg555: so katie
msg555: what are your thoughts on the muffin man
GreenFuzzyBunnys: 8-)he is one cool fat little dude
GreenFuzzyBunnys: and you?
msg555: hey, it's my poll
GreenFuzzyBunnys: lol so you don't answer
GreenFuzzyBunnys: that's not fun
msg555: well... do you know the muffin man?
GreenFuzzyBunnys: yes very well actually
GreenFuzzyBunnys: you....
msg555: where does he live then?
GreenFuzzyBunnys: on dreary lane *not sure on sp*
msg555: that's kindof iffy
msg555: he lives on drury lane
GreenFuzzyBunnys: that's what i meant
GreenFuzzyBunnys: i'm just a little i dunno olol
msg555: I'm not sure you really kno him
GreenFuzzyBunnys: tired this mornignm
GreenFuzzyBunnys: stayed up till 7 it was sweet though
msg555: this is about the muffin man
msg555: lol just kidding
GreenFuzzyBunnys: hahaha
GreenFuzzyBunnys: i'm soryr
msg555: hi Callie
NoMoReTeArs1307: hey
NoMoReTeArs1307: how are you?
msg555: I'm good
msg555: but I have a question
NoMoReTeArs1307: aight
msg555: that you need to answer honestly
NoMoReTeArs1307: i can do that
msg555: what do you think about
msg555: the muffin man
NoMoReTeArs1307: he is a scary mo fo
msg555: do you even know the muffn man?
NoMoReTeArs1307: not personally
msg555: sure he may look like a delicious pastry on the outside
msg555: but he has a heart of dough
NoMoReTeArs1307: lol
msg555: do not edibly profile him
msg555: if that makes any sence
NoMoReTeArs1307: i'm sorry i can't help it
msg555: think next time
NoMoReTeArs1307: i'll try but it's how i was raised i can't help it
NoMoReTeArs1307: i'm sorry
NoMoReTeArs1307: i'm so horrible
msg555: it'll be alright
NoMoReTeArs1307: ok
msg555: as long as you realize you're a horible person
NoMoReTeArs1307: lol ok
msg555 (1:44:29 PM): Aaron.... are you actually on...
msg555 (1:45:09 PM): your silence speaks for itself
The Keihatsu (1:45:19 PM): yea
The Keihatsu (1:45:22 PM): im
msg555 (1:45:31 PM): good
msg555 (1:45:36 PM): cause I was wondering
msg555 (1:45:39 PM): do you know,
msg555 (1:45:42 PM): the muffin man?
The Keihatsu (1:46:04 PM): well i do
msg555 (1:46:19 PM): do you?
msg555 (1:46:22 PM): where does he live
The Keihatsu (1:46:46 PM): 3 houses down from mine
msg555 (1:47:10 PM): really? do you live on drury lane?
msg555 (1:54:57 PM): so... do you live on drury lane...
msg555 (1:58:56 PM): I guess will just continue this discussion some other time
(some other time)
The Keihatsu (1:12:33 AM): yeah its derpressing of dreary lane
The Keihatsu (1:12:41 AM): drewry*
msg555 (1:14:01 AM): drury
msg555 (1:14:05 AM): gee whiz
msg555 (1:17:08 AM): I just give up, you don't know anything about the muffin man
The Keihatsu (1:17:16 AM): oh but i do
The Keihatsu (1:17:18 AM): for he is...
The Keihatsu (1:17:20 AM): my
The Keihatsu (1:17:26 AM): father, mwhahahaha
msg555 (1:17:36 AM): bullshit
msg555 (1:17:53 AM): although I can see the muffin in you
The Keihatsu (1:18:34 AM): lol
msg555: you don't know the muffin man
Dinosour4life: i do tho
msg555: oh really
msg555: where does he live
Dinosour4life: yes
Dinosour4life: on dreary lane
msg555: no, on drury lane
msg555: I bet you don't even know the pastry lady
msg555: his wife
Dinosour4life: sorry
Dinosour4life: i guess htats whu
msg555: what
Dinosour4life: i guess thats what
msg555: Alex
tazfan390: Mark
msg555: I'm going to ask you a question
msg555: this question could
msg555: or will
msg555: forever impact your life
msg555: are you ready?
tazfan390: um... yes?
msg555: do you know
msg555: the muffin man?
tazfan390: lmfao... hmmmm is he the one that lives on elm street?
msg555: no
msg555: he lives on drury lane you idiot
tazfan390: uh...
msg555: gee whiz
tazfan390: oh... yeah... guess i don't know him
msg555: how can you miss the guy
tazfan390: but hey... did you steal them cookies from the cookie jar?
msg555: no, we're talking about he muffin man
msg555: he's a giant muffin
msg555: he walks around naked with his kids and his wife
msg555: the pastry lady
tazfan390: really... what flavor?
msg555: depends
tazfan390: blueberry?
msg555: during the summer he's ciniman flavored
tazfan390: or chocolate
tazfan390: WHY?
msg555: cause he feels like it
tazfan390: i hate cinnamon
msg555: well good thing you don't know hime then
tazfan390: yeah... cuz i'd shoot his ass with a machine gun...
tazfan390: hehehehe
tazfan390: and eat the pieces!!!!!!!!!
msg555: but he's CINIMAN
msg555: well his son dough nut would be upset
tazfan390: why?
msg555: you shot and ate his father...
tazfan390: he hates his dad
msg555: ohh true dat
msg555: but secretly he cares
tazfan390: he's extremely jealous of him
tazfan390: but don't tell
msg555: he wants the pastry lady
tazfan390: heheheh don't we all
Well... This conversation speacks for itself. Jeff is by far the most creative out of all the interviewed.
msg555: so, what is your take on the muffin man
primetimechild: i've never considered the muffin man before
msg555: he's an interesting fellow
primetimechild: i suppose his reputation as an upstanding jewish community member helps his case
primetimechild: but the whole legalize marijuana thing
primetimechild: yech
primetimechild: i'd say he's a poor political candidate
primetimechild: but still better than al sharpton
msg555: true dat
msg555: Drury lane is a hot spot for political activity though.
msg555: I heard Bush Sr. used to live there during the depression
primetimechild: yes, but bush sr. is no longer the one shaping social policy
primetimechild: it will be up to his successor
msg555: so, more recently, Clinton worked as a pimp up there
msg555: so the muffin man is the next obvious choice as president
primetimechild: yeah, it was a shame that bush rigged the election
primetimechild: otherwise, things would be very different
msg555: I did not cast 170,000 votes for bush in florida
msg555: Im offended
primetimechild: i can't say there'd be no muffin left behind, though
msg555: I don't know, maybe his wife, the pastry lady will run in place of him
msg555: she's a hotty and more likely to get the male vote
msg555: and the women voters will vote for her because she's a women and a pastry
primetimechild: now, you're forgetting about the feminists
primetimechild: they don't embrace the same family values
primetimechild: and they'll really be upset with the wife's history of prescription drug abuse
msg555: well the life of a pastry is far different then a human
primetimechild: yes, but will the voters see that?
msg555: just because marijana affects the competancy of a human does not mean it will effect a muffin in the same way
primetimechild: even an aggresive advertising campaign won't educate the masses enough
primetimechild: they're busy enough towing the company line 40 hours of the week
primetimechild: you need to make your mark on the heart of america
msg555: maybe if they attack the opponent more and keep the focus off of the pastry lady's history and more on her femaleness
primetimechild: look, the fact is the vast left-wing conspiracy is abound and her abortions are going to come into public attention
primetimechild: not to mention the fact that she is a rape victim
msg555: are you serious, I never heard that
primetimechild: don't you read the news?
primetimechild: london got bombed, too, by the way
msg555: Ohh my god
msg555: was the operation succesfull?
primetimechild: which operation?
msg555: the london bombing
primetimechild: i would say
primetimechild: 40 people are dead
msg555: ahh... so so
msg555: The pastry lady will really have to offer up some condolences to the tradgedy in London in order to gain more suppport from our eropean friend
primetimechild: make sure the story hits the professional circuit
primetimechild: paris hilton also wrote a letter to london
primetimechild: but no one respects hilton
msg555: yes she did loose that quite a while ago
msg555: do you know
msg555: the muffin man?
MoooseyGoosey: the muffin man?
msg555: yes the muffin man
MoooseyGoosey: yes indeed i do he lives down my street
msg555: oh really
msg555: you live on drury lane?
MoooseyGoosey: yup i do
MoooseyGoosey: he came over yesterday
MoooseyGoosey: and i told him i didnt want his muffins
msg555: do you know Aaron
msg555: he lives on drury lane aswell
MoooseyGoosey: ohhh no i dont
msg555: apparently, the muffin man is his father
msg555: but that's another story
MoooseyGoosey: omg the muffin mans sun
MoooseyGoosey: son
msg555: yes
MoooseyGoosey: my favorite muffins are blueberry
msg555: well the muffin man likes to be ciniman during the summer seasons
msg555: do you know the pastry lady
MoooseyGoosey: yup she lives on the same street
msg555: she's his wife
msg555: gee whiz
MoooseyGoosey: oh yeah i knew that
msg555: sure ya did
MoooseyGoosey: i secretly am the pastery lady
MoooseyGoosey: ok i am not
msg555: are you married to the muffin man?
MoooseyGoosey: i wish
MoooseyGoosey: i could have free muffins
msg555: well then, you may envy the pastry lady, but you are not her
msg555: in fact, I'm starting to doubt you even know the pastry lady
MoooseyGoosey: what! i do i swear
MoooseyGoosey: she lives on my street
msg555: spell it
MoooseyGoosey: crap spell what
msg555: your street name
MoooseyGoosey: drury lane
msg555: did you cheat
MoooseyGoosey: what no i didnt look how you spelled it
msg555: fine, I guess you do live there
msg555: I'm sorry for doubting you
MoooseyGoosey: its ok i forgive you
msg555: do you know the doughnut boy?
MoooseyGoosey: yup i killed him ok this was fun but i gotta go i just came to jackies real quick to let the dogs go pee
msg555: well then
msg555: just remember
MoooseyGoosey: what
msg555: The muffin man is out to kill
msg555: you and everyone you know
MoooseyGoosey: dundundundun
MoooseyGoosey: bye bye mark
msg555: bye bye
msg555: dam straight he is
Auto response from MoooseyGoosey: the muffin man is out to get me
msg555: Do you know the muffin man?
SmarterChild: Gosh, I dunno... I don't think I know the muffin man.
msg555: are you sure?
SmarterChild: It's hard to say.
msg555: You either know or you don't
SmarterChild: No way? Really?
msg555: quit avoiding the question
SmarterChild: Are you telling me to quit avoiding the question? Why?
msg555: Do you, Or do you not know the muffin man
SmarterChild: You think I should do that?
msg555: he lives on drury lane...
SmarterChild: He lives on Drury lane? No way.
msg555: well then
SmarterChild: Well what?
msg555: bye, thanks for the help
SmarterChild: You're quite welcome. :-D
msg555: hey steve
taboo8614: hey
taboo8614: what's up
msg555: I need to talk to you about something
taboo8614: yes?
msg555: do you know
msg555: the muffin man?
taboo8614: no
taboo8614: so you can juststop l9ol
msg555: ohh fine
taboo8614: lol
msg555: the muffin man dislikes you strongly
taboo8614: lol i know
msg555: Do you know
msg555: the muffin man?
Swimmypet07: YES
Swimmypet07: he's my husband
msg555: ohh really
Swimmypet07: don't tell steve
msg555: he seems to have a couple wives now
msg555: ohh I won't
Swimmypet07: nope
Swimmypet07: i killed them off this morning
msg555: :'(
msg555: They were my friends Jenny
Swimmypet07: but its okay, because we still live on drury lane
Swimmypet07: i'm sorry
Swimmypet07: if i had known that i wouldn't have
msg555: I forgive you
Swimmypet07: thank you Mark
msg555: you are welcome
Swimmypet07: such a nice boy you are
msg555: so how's drury lane these days
Swimmypet07: wonderful
msg555: ohh gosh
msg555: so do you have a seperate home that you go to when steve comes over?
Swimmypet07: yea
msg555: wow
msg555: does the muffin man know about this
Swimmypet07: no
msg555: I may not tell steve, but I will tell the muffin man
msg555: we go way back
Swimmypet07: okay
Swimmypet07: but
Swimmypet07: can i tell him first?
msg555: muffin man, Jenny has been seeing another person
msg555: sorry, wrong window
Swimmypet07: !!
Swimmypet07: THANKS A LOT MARK!!
Swimmypet07: gosh!!
msg555: what did I do?
Swimmypet07: you told the muffin man
msg555: what no i didn't, I would never do that
Swimmypet07: about my secret
msg555: never
msg555: liar liar pants on fire
msg555: is not what I am
Swimmypet07: brb
Swimmypet07: i am back
Swimmypet07: very sorry about that
Swimmypet07: so what did my husband say about steve?
msg555: well, he was pretty mad
Swimmypet07: he will forgive me
Swimmypet07: i have a way with him
Swimmypet07: he can't stay mad for long
msg555: have you ever seen a mad muffin
Swimmypet07: yes
Swimmypet07: i was eaten by a mad muffin once
msg555: ohh really
Swimmypet07: mmhmm
msg555: did you eat your way out of this muffin
Swimmypet07: yes
msg555: so, if the muffin man eats you, you'll eat him back?
msg555: or do you think he'll try that
Swimmypet07: no the muffin man won't eat me
Swimmypet07: he loves me
Swimmypet07: and i know just how to make him remember that
msg555: lol
Swimmypet07: he likes it in that hot oven of his
Swimmypet07: lol...this is getting too dirty for me
msg555: it's your fault
msg555: ok well, try not to kill anymore of my friends that happen to be married to the muffin man
msg555: if you can avoid it
Swimmypet07: lauren brought me hash borwns
Swimmypet07: i no longer have a need for you
Swimmypet07: bye bye
(well then)