Apparently Borders was having a slow week for recommendations

Jan 04, 2007 09:24

Because number 5 in their "short list" that they send once a week or so to rewards members was a book called Warriors, The New Prophecy: Sunset, and bore this description:

Erin Hunter loves to read fantasy, enjoy nature, and take care of her cats. She combined these loves in her refreshingly original fantasy series, Warriors, which is about clans of feral felines scratching out a life for themselves in the wild. In Warriors, the New Prophecy: Sunset, the sixth book of the New Prophecy, the cats of ThunderClan are still cleaning their wounds from a vicious badger attack when a member of their clan named Leafpool receives a disturbing prophecy. Hunter offers another delightful, hair-raising adventure of cats in trouble trying to land on their feet.

I can't read the phrase "vicious badger attack" without laughing.  Hopefully this will continue to amuse me for hours to come, since it seems unlikely that anything else will materialize to do so.

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