let me tell you about my weekend...

Jun 19, 2007 12:48

i went home this past weekend, and it was the best weekend ever, thanks to kim.

we startted hanging out the moment i got in town. THis involved spending almost all of my savings on an outfit i don't need. then we went out to da club, mercury to be exact, and we snuck in rum and kim got drunk but i was driving. after that, we went with matt (dajamany) and met up with lisa at hulke and dylan's, and everyone there was hilarious. ok not really, just hulke. he asked me if i like his pork smell. then they forced us to watch "gummo" which was more horrible than there are words for. then kim spent the night and we cuddled.

saturday i visited my grandmother, and then rebecca came into town and she, kim and i went to the loop and i bought more clothes i didn't need but looked damn good in. i wore a hot houndstooth dress that i bought there when we went to the skatium, the highlight activity of the weekend, and i stole some skates :D to use for roller derby because i am a cheap sonofabitch. it was really fun being there with my columbia friends. i like ti when lots of columbia people come to saint louis. i love the people here, but let's face it, saint louis has a hell of a better everything.
we left rebecca there with her man-friend and went back to the loop to pick up nathan. nathan is a boy whoi have had very nice sex with in my life, and then he moved to alabama. needless to say, i was really excited to see him. or maybe i was just super drunk. actually it was both.
there are not many available pictures of nathan, but imagine this thinner face and this longer hair and that's what he looks like now.
we took nathan to the dungeon, which was a bad idea, because jim's was extra moldy (ashie had an asthma attack) and the people there were like all of mine and kim's favourite people so i neglected to pay much attention to him. after about an hour we left, i put kim to bed in my room, and nathan gave me the best "everything but sex" of my life. which kind of sucks because now i just miss him.

sunday i woke up and drove nathan back to his family in ste. gen. and kim went along with us. choice quotes from the car ride include:
"This is a good playlist. You're starting to sound like a DJ, maybe you should get tested..."

"So I was talking to Jesus the other day and he was like 'Hey Kim, so, you pick up the new Shins album?'"

"Here's a face. This face is for you and that comment."

hooray for us. after that i had a sort of depressing father's day when the realization that my grandpa probably won't see the next one set into my entire family and people started crying. my brother stood me up, so i left and got kim yet again and we hung around at eric and daniel's, ate pizza, and watched hot shots until i had to come back to columbia.

josh and i have had an awkward couple of days. the past two nights he spent here, the first one was innocent, and last night we made out. i should probably stop letting him come over, but i guess i don't mind having him here, even if it's awkward. i like having company while i sleep. i can't do hardly anything alone.
i'm going to the destruction junction practice tomorrow to watch, and saturday is my first beginner practice. i am totally pumped about this. exercise i might actually enjoy!

thanks for reading. comment?

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