Apr 16, 2006 19:20
Last NIGHT; "take the lead' in poulsbo with ali and jake. then went to taco time,duh he was chekcing me out..(the guy who served us). then we went to DQ cause ali wanted stuff from there. then to liz's to die eggs with vanessa and her. and we danced and sang til midnight.
today: woke up at 11ish. jon and mo and i had a hw club.
mel, becky, and brooke came over. mel made us an easter egg hunt/ we did it three times. at a lot of shit. was real fun.
jonathan me and morgan went on a 4 mile run/walk. i am so fucking out of shape. we ran down to the spit. walked it to ali's. walked back. walked down the beach. got trap;ped with some trees and had to climb over. adventurous!
then mo and i got sawati..and now i am doing "homework" and about to watch DHW and GA. YES
good night!!!
i miss christian..