Mar 17, 2008 23:25
Ever discovered an easter egg mould in your house and thought it would be a great idea to make use of it? Well, if you ever find yourself in this position then here's some invaluable advice.. DON'T do it. It is not actually very enjoyable at all, and the pictures on the front are very misleading. I do only have myself to blame though for having such a childish response to a funky bit of plastic.
I should probably apologise for my last post. You may be pleased to know I have pulled myself together slightly and am quite chirpy at the moment. I hope that everybody else is also chirpy.
Apologies to Dolor for not being as attentive to her blogs as she is to mine. I do appreciate your input you know.
Apologies to Melissa for not looking at my calendar properly and not wishing her happy birthday on the right day.
Apologies also to anyone else who feels they deserve them. You may be right.
Also, if Rach ever stumbles across this blog, which seems unlikely, then might I say that Emma is looking lovely, though I'm shocked at how quickly she has grown. Doesn't seem a year since she was the tiny froggy thing with amazingly curly hair!
Hope everyone is happy and everything, and I think that since I have posted something certain others who are slacking on the posting front should do the same.. :)