Feb 01, 2006 13:15
It's been entirely too long since my last update, so chances are that I'll forget to write about something that has went on in the past month. I'll do my best.
Today is February 1st which means I have exactly 17 days until the wedding. I would write everything out that I still have to do, but then I would get comments like, "What is wrong with you!? Are you nuts?!" I really need to get moving. The problem with that is for the past 3 or 4 days I have been crazy sick. I would venture out into the real world to get things done, but then I would infect people and they would be angry.
I had a Doctor appointment last week and Kyle got to come in the room with me and hear the babies heartbeat. It was very cool. February 22nd will be the best visit though because that's when they do the official ultrasound that can determine the sex of the baby. Kyle and I have both decided we are going to wait until the baby is born to find out, but it'll still be fun because they give us a vhs tape of the ultra sound and pictures and stuff. Right now the baby is about 4.57 inches long. At least that's what my pregnancy calendar says.
This past month has also been very exciting because Bill and I worked things out and became friends again. Kyle and I have went out a couple times with him and his girlfriend Shannon, which was lots of fun. She is so incredibly sweet. It's nice making new friends. :)
I must be really out of it because this entry is reading like it was written by a 5 year old. O well...you get the idea of what I'm trying to say.
I guess that's it for now. I'll update again when I'm not so ill...I promise!