Jul 07, 2020 05:01
- Mon, 17:03: RT @ nhannahjones: One desperately wants to believe that when these killings happen, even if police somehow believe they are justified, that…
- Mon, 17:10: RT @ aliciakennedy: This week, I wrote about why the phrase "food is political" has been growing more and more annoying to me, and why confl…
- Mon, 17:11: RT @ nytimes: Black and Latino people in the U.S. are 3 times as likely to contract the coronavirus than their white neighbors - and nearly…
- Mon, 17:14: RT @ AaronBastani: Watch the police smash in the window a man’s car after he was wrongly accused of concealing drugs. He was driving home…
- Mon, 17:15: RT @ Collider: Ennio Morricone, the prolific and profound Oscar-winning composer, has died at 91. https://t.co/IEUQ9c5XY5
- Mon, 17:16: RT @ AP: Forty lobbyists with ties to President Trump helped clients secure more than $10 billion in federal coronavirus aid, according to t…
- Mon, 17:23: RT @ IndianCountry: BREAKING NEWS. US District Court orders Dakota Access pipeline to be shut down and be emptied within 30 days because of…
- Mon, 17:32: RT @ esglaude: Look at this! I am speechless... https://t.co/O9LiNKmxbf
- Mon, 17:32: RT @ bluskyz: So baseball players will get tested for COVID-19 every two days. How often will teachers and students be tested?
- Mon, 19:54: RT @ PplsCityCouncil: Who are the Los Angeles Police Protective League? @ LAPPL is a narrow special interests group that operates as a lobby…