Oct 11, 2006 09:52
I haven't been to sleep yet. I can't really say why I haven't been to sleep. A lot has happened since I last updated my journal. I moved back to Big Spring from Midland. I have a motorcycle, a really little one, me and little bike get by though. I work as a piercer with my friends Mia and Muttley at their tattoo shop, Bad Ass Tattoo Co. I have a tattoo on my head on the right side, I'm covering up the spade on my left arm with a huge black snake that takes up my entire left forearm. I added a bendy cross with a yellow rose on my right forearm. I have the rune of war on my right side calf and and unfinished cartoon virgin mary(complete with bangs) on my back right calf. I lost my earrings and got my bridge pierced, my snake bite, my septum(stretched to a 10!) and both of my conches at a 10. So yeah...that's about it.