make it or break it

Aug 17, 2009 23:08

Man, this show looks even more ridic than ever after actually watching Nats.

I swear the way this show plays out, I could create a mad lib for it or something.  This episode is basically "Sunday, Bloody Sasha Sunday" reheated.  And even dumber/more boring.

As usual, quick thoughts, in list form:

-Pretty much everything's out now, and I'm not talking about Carter's sexual preference.  I mean, all the secrets are out.  Except for Emily, of course, who gets to remain intriguingly mysterious since it's pretty much her only character trait.  Payson admits she's a druggie, Lauren admits her Mom's a druggie, Kaylie finds out Carter is a cheating cheater with Lauren, the Moms find out that Summer's the one who squealed about Carter, and that Ronnie screwed Marty.
-I swear the Moms on this show are like Real Housewives: Boulder.  I think all that Botox and highlights have done something to their brain, because why did none of them, at any point, think to go out to pick up the girls now that they knew where they are?
-Let's cut the shit.  This "we're a team" business is a total invention of this show.  Everyone knows that IRL training mates are some of the most bitter, bitchy rivals.  As if the five remaining members of Bela Karolyi's six-pack would go after the sixth one's ass if she flew the coop.  They'd probably be like, "Oh, yay, one less competitor!"
-Of all the gang, Payson's reaction is probably the most realistic.  She's like "fuck this, let Kaylie dig her own grave."  She really is the best character.
-Emily wasn't as bad for most of this episode b/c at least her motivations for being a sulky brat were understandable.  She did, however, flex her Sue Fu near the end when everyone randomly elected her team captain.
-Payson being butthurt about not being ranked first on beam was kind of dumb.  Not every AAer is going to top every event.  Some AAers have noticeably weaker events which they make up for with a stronger one.  And hasn't she ever heard of event specialists?
-Chloe and the good-for-nothing BF is pretty much the most clichéd storyline ever, but good on Chloe for standing up to him.
-What I kind of love about these friendship/sisterhood eps is you know they're totally going to be backstabbing and bitching each other out within the next ep.
-Oh man the slo-mo walk... CANNOT STOP LOLING OMG.  It's moments like this when I truly wonder if we're being punk'd.
-Shall we talk about the preview?  Everyone online seems to think it's Payson who falls.  I remember predicting that way back when--that Payson will fall and Emily Sue will pull out a clutch performance and win the whole thing.  I wish I had a copy of this preview so I could slo-mo and screencap.  I NEED TO KNOW DAMMIT.

make it or break it

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